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How to Make Sure Bed Bugs Won’t Follow You on Your Move

Feb 18, 2023

Moving is a stressful and time-consuming process. It can be even more of a hassle if you find out that you have brought bed bugs with you. Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They can be tough to get rid of, so it is crucial to take the necessary steps to ensure you don't bring them with you when you move.

Replace Your Mattress

Replacing your mattress is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that bed bugs won't follow you on your move. Bed bugs can easily hide in mattresses and other soft furnishings, so replacing your mattress is a good way to reduce the chances of them tagging along in your move. It's essential to buy a new mattress that has been sealed in plastic and has a good warranty to ensure that it won't be infested. Be sure to thoroughly inspect the mattress before bringing it into your home.

You should also take steps to make sure that the new mattress is not infested with bed bugs. Vacuum the mattress to remove any visible bugs, and spend extra time focusing on seams and crevices. Make sure to use a mattress protector to keep the mattress clean and free of bed bugs. You should also wash any bedding before you put it on the new mattress and use an insecticide to spray the mattress.

Wash All Infected Clothes and Bedding

It is essential to wash all infected clothes and bedding before moving to a new place. Bed bugs can easily hide in the seams of clothing and bedding, making it difficult to tell if they are present. Washing clothes and bedding in hot water is the best way to get rid of any bed bugs that may be lurking within. This will also help to ensure that the bed bugs don't spread to other areas of the home. Furthermore, all clothes and bedding should be dried on a high heat setting to make sure that any remaining bed bugs are eradicated.

It is also important to ensure that the clothes and bedding are sealed in airtight bags before they are taken to the new place. This will help to prevent any bed bugs that are still on the clothes and bedding from escaping and infesting the new location. It is also recommended to vacuum all areas of the home before leaving to make sure that any bed bugs that may be present are removed.

Treat Infected Furniture

When moving, it is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure that bed bugs do not follow you to your new home. One important step in this process is to treat any infected furniture before bringing them into your new home. This can be done by thoroughly vacuuming the furniture and then using a steam cleaner on it. This will help to eliminate any bed bugs that may be hiding in the furniture. You may also want to use insecticides to ensure that the bed bugs are completely eradicated. Be sure to follow all safety precautions when using any insecticides.

Once the furniture has been treated, it is important to wrap it in plastic before placing it in the moving truck. This will help to prevent any bed bugs from escaping and entering your new home. Be sure to check the furniture for bed bugs before bringing it into your new home. If any bed bugs are found, it is important to take the necessary steps to treat the furniture again. This will ensure that your new home is free of bed bugs.

Final Thoughts

It is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure bed bugs do not follow you on your move. This includes inspecting your old place for bed bugs and using strategies such as using mattress and box covers, sealing all items that are being moved, and cleaning and vacuuming any furniture or items that are being moved. By following these precautionary steps, you can help to ensure that bed bugs will not follow you on your move.

Make sure you avoid bringing bed bugs into your new home with the help of Roach Busters. We are a pest control company that provides
bed bug control in Sydney. Our expert team covers the entire Sydney area, treating everything from termites to bed bugs and cockroaches to spiders, fleas, and more. Get in touch with us today!

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